Friday, April 23, 2010

Yo Hablo Español

Ok, stage 1 complete. 6 weeks of Spanish school in La Antigua Guatemala finished today and it feels great! It`s been a real challenge, I wasn`t expecting it to be so tiring and all encompassing. I feel like i`ve just emerged from solitary confinement, with the added bonus of being able to speak Spanish now. I`m not exactly fluent (yet) but I now understand the language structure and form and can hold a good basic conversation.

Next stop, Lago Atitlan for a week of Kayaking, Hiking and Chilling. Then I think i`ll punish myself with another couple of weeks of Spanish lessons in Quetzaltenango (Xela) en route to San Cristobal De Las Casas in Mexico and the beautiful beaches beyond...


  1. Good luck on the next phase of your trip mate. It sounds like the last 6 weeks were intense but so worth it. You'll never regret any of this. Never.


  2. Fair play mate, that's a very cool achievement! Looking forward to hearing about the next phase of the trip.

  3. Total ledge.

    That's awesome mate, well done.

    Take it easy

  4. What's Spanish for Dirty Sanchez?

    See u in Oz later in the year,
